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Work At Home Free Classifieds => Post Your Products & Services Here => Topic started by: nkenterprises on August 01, 2009, 12:37:21 AM
I am starting a walking billboard service and am offering free advertising for a limited number of customers for the remainder of 2009.
In exchange for the free advertising I request to use your business as a reference for future clients.
If you don't make the cut off for free advertising our rates are as follows:
$5 to wear a company hat on a normal day. (contact with an average 230 people)
$8 to wear a company shirt on a normal day (contact with an average 230 people)
$10 to wear company hat on a outing day (contact with an average 300+ people plus can plug your business to other people at outings)
$15 to wear company shirt on outing day (contact with an average 300+ people plus can plug your business to other people at outings)
You can advertise for a minimum of 1 day a month or as much as 10 days a month.
If you would like to take advantage of this just send me a email to