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Title: income.promastore Pro-Ma Maxi Sheen 4Lt $174.00
Post by: denwood on March 13, 2010, 05:32:21 PM
income.promastore Pro-Ma Maxi Sheen 4Lt $174.00

A non-oil based triple, silicone protectant for interior vinyl and leather surfaces. Odourless, non-corrosive, non-poisonous and with exceptional ultra violet UV A, B and C protection, Maxi Sheen guards against cracking and dulling, as well as assisting in the restoration of surfaces. Maxi Sheen aslo contains special humectants to retard the drying time, providing a greater opportunity for the product to bond to the surface giving greater protection.
Use On

    * Car Interiors
    * Tyres
    * Treated leather
    * Dashboards
    * Bumpers


Spray onto a clean, dry cloth and wipe over the surface. On dashboards this will provide a satin sheen that will reduce any tendency towards windscreen fogging in very strong sunlight.
Sizes Available

4 litres; 300mL


Dennis Wood
Independent Distributor Pro-Ma Systems Pty Ltd
10 Mawson Street Woodridge
Logan City Queensland Australia 4114
Ph 07 3208 1560
Mob 0407 210 013