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Messages - nour20

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Cleaning the house is a big responsibility for the women and girls who are at home, and each of them has an important role in cleaning the house, and cleaning any part of it. Cleaning of the faith as it is known, and it must be addressed to cleanliness, because it is the

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basis through which to deal With respect to the people. The respect for the habits that dictate the need to clean the house periodically leaves you with a good impression among the people. People tend to participate in all aspects of life. People who are known for their lack of hygiene find that people are alienated from them and do not like sitting with them at the table. One food. How carpet and carpet cleaning and carpet cleaning and carpeting of difficult things used by women between the period and the other, and because of the result of the carpet carpet and carpet always, resulting from many things, the most important walk on them shoes, or get out of the bathroom and the foot, and here The problem is that no one likes to wash it, because it often exhausts the body very much, it also affects the body, and it gets tired in the way it is washed, soaked and lifted, and here we found some solutions that can help or relieve the fatigue that every woman feels , And the most important of these methods: This method does not work with large carpets, and you should use other methods of washing large carpets. In this step we talk about washing the small carpets that are in the corridors of the house, which makes it easy to soak them with water and detergents. A great way to clean the carpet completely, you should rub it a bit or leave it drenched, but you must change the water periodically until you get the cleanliness required. It helps to get the cleanliness

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you want. Just move carpet and mop to the roof of the house, and wash it with a washcloth. Which you want, then lift it on the fence to get proper ventilation. Send it to a specialized laundry If you are suffering from carpet or carpet scum, and you do not have the ability to clean the carpet, just move it to the laundry areas, wash it, dry it and clean it completely. Which women can get at home because they work with all their might to get the result they want. Rub the place so dirty that it can be cleaned. You can pour a few detergents that I have, and I do not need to rub them, especially if the spot is new, and then leave for a short period, and no one should pass it, and then bring a towel and wipe it to make sure that the spot has completely disappeared. The use of strong detergents such as chlorine is one of the most important detergents that should be used in carpet and carpet cleaning. Although this method is not favored by many, these detergents may change the color of the carpet or completely dissolve the fabric in the carpet. The use of a brush and shampoo hair is an innovative way in which the women wash the carpet in the traditional way, and after drying you bring a brush or a cloth, and put the freshener or shampoo with a beautiful smell on them, to get a result later on the beauty, smell and the most beautiful of them, perhaps these The method of the stupid ways used by women to clean the carpet; because the shampoo or freshener gives us only the smell beautiful and has nothing to do with the cleanliness you want to get, so you must use the detergent next to other detergents to get the result you want from the first time, and not Go back to wash once Other. How to wash carpets Washing the carpet without water is the easy way to resort to the mother when there is no time to clean completely, and by washing the carpet without

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water, the woman bring a barrel of hot water, and then put the powders on it, and prepare the towel and start rubbing the carpet This helps to limit the dirt, to know the place completely dirty, and then the woman to wipe it again and again, until you get the required cleanliness, and then raise them to get the right air to dry completely. You may have to wash the carpet from a specific area, because the carpet is completely clean, you may have fallen some dirt, or that one of the children have been infected by the juice or tea, and you can pour a certain amount of water, and then prepare a brush And then start exposing the area that has been compressed to the fan or the air stream until it dried up, and no one should walk on it in the meantime, so that it does not accumulate on it. Dirt again.

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