Have you noticed that "the powers that be" used to say we needed five portions of fruit and veg a day but now they say we actually need seven or even more?
Why is that? Well, we don't get enough quality fruit and vegetables in our diet. If you go back 30+ years the quality of food was different. Now, the amount of pesticides used to help crops grow faster, getting more and bigger fruits and veg than before, means you would need to eat 7-13 pieces a day to get the nutritional benefit that was once your 5 a day.
My health plan can help you get the vitamins and nutrients from up to 26 fruit and veg every day.Combine that with a change of eating habits and very soon you will be finding you have more energy, healthier hair, stronger nails and much more.
If you are interested please check out my FB page
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jacs-Plan/1455842274728745 for more information. If you like what's on there please "add" me and inbox me for more information.
Thank you