Author Topic: IF have gotten INTO A STORM on water  (Read 501 times)

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IF have gotten INTO A STORM on water
« on: March 12, 2021, 08:06:40 AM »
IF have gotten into a storm on water

The best option is to wait out the bad weather on the shore. But it happens that when we went out on the water, it was calm, and we have to return in a storm.

Before boarding a boat, you should always make sure that it is working properly, that there are oars, safety vests for all passengers and life-saving equipment. If a storm breaks out, attach a safety lanyard to each passenger in case they fall out. Make sure that the motor is not flooded with water. Do not expose the board under impact, turn the bow of the boat towards the wave and roll down. You can try to maneuver between waves. Each boat behaves differently when the sea is rough. Match the travel speed to the wave. You must stay on the wave, not allowing it to overwhelm the cockpit, climb on it and roll down, so that the boat does not dive into the wave. RIB boats are best suited for stormy weather. Thanks to the inflatable boards, they climb well to the top of the wave, and the plastic bottom absorbs the shock when jumping.

With a small wave, the RIBs go well on the water in planing mode, but in a storm it is better not to risk it. You cannot walk on a stormy wave with an awning - it is better to get wet than not to swim out of the boat after overkil. It is easier to get out of the water on an inflatable boat than on a one-piece boat. If there is no way to go to the quiet harbor and moor, you will have to be thrown ashore, choose a sandy one, or one where there are no rocks and stones.

What to do if a storm catches you while swimming. Do not waste your energy and do not fight the waves, let them carry you to the shore. As the wave approaches, begin to work vigorously with your arms and legs, trying to advance on its crest as far as possible. When the wave is gone, rest and wait for the next one. Don't panic and control your breathing. Watch over your shoulder for the arrival of a new wave.

Near the coast, the waves are especially treacherous, forming breakers and whirlpools. Overcome the big wave not from above, but from below. Dive towards the wave just before the white foam on the crest touches you. Once on the wave, make sure that your breath is in between the beat of the waves. When swimming against the wave, you should calmly rise on the wave and roll off it, or take in air with a large wave and dive under it.

When you reach the shore, go out on it only after the crest of the wave leaves from under you. When reaching the shore, make sure that the next wave does not drag you back.

Observe safety rules, watch out for equipment, availability of life-saving equipment and have fun on the water with pleasure.

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« Last Edit: March 12, 2021, 08:54:13 AM by bizbook »

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