What is Acme People Search?...
Acme People Search is a niche search engine founded
by Tissa Godavitarne that makes money through affiliate
commisions from three popular affiliate networks - ClickBank,
HD Publishing, and Reunion.
Tissa Godavitarne made his niche engine specifically aimed
at free people searches and took advantage of the hugely popular
topic. About 30% of all Google and Yahoo searches are people
search related and still growing. Through Acme People Search,
Tissa made $2.2 million dollars in affiliate commissions for 2007,
and built a brand new $1.2 million dollar dream home only using
affiliate commissions.
By following Tissa Godavitarne's example and success with the Acme
People Search, you can share in the success with the tools and programs
that are provided for you.
Did I mention it is a free affiliate program?...