Author Topic: Day Care Centers – Be the Ideal Day Care Facility  (Read 1785 times)

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Day Care Centers – Be the Ideal Day Care Facility
« on: March 31, 2009, 12:35:46 AM »
Just what does it take to become the day care facility sought after by parents?  In an ideal setting, they would see through you or be able to read your mind to know that your intentions are good and that you are the type of person people will want to take care of their offspring.  However, we do not live in that type of world, thus we have to make do with what we have, be seen, and establish a reputation that will be something that parents would look for in a child care provider.

The first thing you need to make sure of is the accessibility of your facility to your target market.  Most small day care facilities are based at home, which is a prime location especially if the area is surrounded by homeowners who have full time job who have young children that needs day care. However, if you are targeting a larger market, find a place that you could rent which is in the vicinity of a lot of commercial establishments. Without a doubt, a parent would look for convenience when it comes to where they have to drop off and pick up their kids. What would be more convenient than a few steps away from their offices? Besides, in case of an emergency, a parent would of course want to be near enough to get their kids to safety.

The location of your day care facility should not only be based on its nearness to offices though.  You have to ensure that the area is safe enough for children.  Try not to get a place that is right by the road or in unsafe neighborhoods.

Parents have a tradition; they try to choose day care facilities based on what their other friends think about it.  Our society encourages word of mouth advertisement and it would be wise if you could capitalize on this.  Since you have yet to establish a solid reputation as you are just starting, you might want to ensure that your first batch of kids and their parents are happy with your day care services. There is little room for error when you are dealing with children so do all you can to keep your day care kids happy.  A happy child will go home to his parents and talk about what fun things he did in your facility and because of this, parents will certainly talk to their other parent friends about your day care center.

Develop friendships among your day care children.  If possible, set up play dates with the consent of both parents between children and be extra sensitive to kids who seem to develop a bond with another child. Socializing is one of the main reasons parents send off their kids to day care centers and it would be extra Brownie points for you if you are able to encourage children to have friends. These kids would surely want to keep on coming back to your day care facility because they would not want to miss their new-found friends and parents would be delighted to see their kids excited to get to your child care facility. 

For more: How to start a daycare center

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