Why pay $1000's for solar or wind power when you can build your own professional system for less than $200?! (in your own backyard).
Include a few topics covered in the manual below:
1) What to do before you start - Without this information your whole attempt to create useable electricity could be pointless (very important)
2) How exactly does solar and wind power work - learn the whole process.
3) Build your own solar power generator - Complete setup instructions with easy to follow illustrations! Also, build your own solar panels to save extra money! (easy to follow diagrams)
4) Build your own wind power generator - You can generate useable energy with a home made windmill for under $200! + it will be very professional looking! (complete with diagrams)
5) Free bonus chapter - How can you reduce your oil dependence? - This is a real money saver! Get started on this right away!
6) Free bonus chapter - Ethanol as a viable energy source - How you can use ethanol and save thousands!
7) + there are many more topics covered in my easy to follow manual!
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