Aside from learning about a child’s ability to adapt in an external environment, parents when considering childcare facilities should be familiarized with the activities, standard and safety of the daycare facilities presented to them. A good-quality daycare facility of choice does not need to be expensive; it may be a daycare facility in the neighbourhood, which offers individualized attention, focused to the child like those larger daycare facilities.
1. You should start training the child on being away from the parents in order to prepare them for a daycare program. This should be done by assigning a known babysitter or family member to look after the child and explain to them that the parents need to stay away for a period of time, in order to work. Upon choosing a child-minder, you should consider the child’s need for a gentle, loving but firm presence. This is because a first impression influences the child’s ability to adjust to a more controlled environment such as a daycare facility. Ask other parents for babysitter recommendations – avoid those who have several bad reports.
2. If the other parents were not able to guide you, refer to a child specialist, the yellow pages or maybe the Social Services Department to obtain the list of daycare providers that are licensed within your area. When you have chosen a daycare provider, make sure you go to the place along with the child to inspect the facilities.
3. Take the child around the daycare to explore the facilities. Most daycare providers are glad to let new or potential enrolees play freely all over the place to experience the new atmosphere. Encourage the child to interact with the staff and play with other children in the daycare.
4. Meet all those who would be interacting with the child regularly. At first, the child may feel homesick. Spend more time and talk to them about how good it is to learn by themselves. Shift your focus on the positive aspects but take into consideration the negative aspects too (day care employees’ background checks, compliance issues, hygiene, safety) to make sure that your son or daughter is in the best day care!
5. You can ask permission from the day care’s authorities if your children can bring along with them their blanket or favourite toy during the first days of their stay there so they will feel more comfortable in the new environment. Most day care centres will agree to this and this can make your child’s adjustments easier, smooth and fun- filled for both the child and the parents.
For more:
How to start a daycare business by