Author Topic: Enjoy the Kitchen with your kids!  (Read 1207 times)

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Enjoy the Kitchen with your kids!
« on: July 28, 2009, 09:39:44 PM »
Learning should not be limited inside the classrooms of the children. Even when your kids are at home, they should still have fun and learning activities with you. But then, the daily tasks that you have to finish and get done usually hinder the time for you and your kids to spend some time together. The times when your kids offer their help in the daily chores and in the kitchen usually don’t end up being a success. Mostly likely than not, you refuse their offer and tell them to just play or watch the TV.

But come to think about it, the kitchen can also be a place for the kids to enjoy and learn new things. It is a perfect place where you can spend time with your kids at the same time do your chores. You can always let your kids help you with simple kitchen chores. They can learn about other things such as kitchen safety, basics about cooking, and the like. There are fun ways for them to spend time with you in the kitchen.

There are different fun ideas and activities which you can make to let your children be involved in the kitchen. Just make sure that the activities are safe and they will be capable to do so.

For young toddlers, you can let them play with plastic dishes, funnel and sponge at the sink. If you have a preschooler, you can teach him the basics about safety in the kitchen. You can let him peel a carrot using a peeler by peeling it away from the body. You can also teach the proper way of using the knife and chopping boars. With your supervision, you can let them slice a couple of times. You can even incorporate the things that they are learning in school such as measurements and fractions.

Another fun idea that you can enjoy with your kids is through making popcorns. You can prepare the popcorn, butter, salt and the bowl before you start the activity. You can explain to your kids how heat can make the corn pop and turn it into popcorn. Aside from that, you can also make popcorn balls with your children using different colors and flavours. Together with your kids you can decorate the popcorn balls using your imagination such as a snowman and the like. You can use carrots, raisins and other foods for the face of the snowman. Popcorn can also be used to make necklaces and bracelets when put together using a string. Stale popcorn is best for this kind.

You can also make dough for your children. Peanut butter play dough can be made using 18 ounce peanut butter. Then add six tablespoons of honey, some milk and flour to achieve the right consistency. You can let your kids play with the dough and mold them according to the shape that they like. You can also use a real dough and teach you kids how to knead.

Pizza is also a fun way to cook with your kids. Purchase ready made dough and the ingredients needed. You can assist them in pouring the sauce and let them add the topping according to their design. You can also teach them about shapes and colors using the ingredients.

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