Author Topic: Do’s and Don’ts of Child Safety  (Read 1255 times)

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Do’s and Don’ts of Child Safety
« on: July 29, 2009, 09:07:30 PM »
•   The virtues of being neat and clean are important to the children
•   When you are clipping their nails, you have to do it with care and on a regular basis
•   Change soiled diapers right away and be sure to thoroughly clean the genitals
•   Fungal infection can be avoided when genitals are kept dry and clean at all times
•   Encourage proper care of scalp to minimize fungal infections and dermatitis
•   Encourage using loose clothes because tight clothes contribute to skin irritation 
•   The room of the child must be well lit and ventilated and ensure that it is clean and free from dust
•   Prepare a child’s bed appropriate with his size and put waterproof materials under the sheet
•   Provide music toys in the sleeping area of the child.
•   With your hand, always support the baby’s head because his neck muscles are still weak
•   Breast milk gives complete nutrition to the baby. Before breastfeeding, be sure to clean the nipples. Breastfeeding is becoming in demand and there are moms who advocate this because of the benefits like strengthening the emotional bond between a mother and her baby. To achieve successful breastfeeding, lactating moms should eat a balanced diet
•   For bottle feeding, ensure that feeding bottles are thoroughly cleaned, sterilized, and kept dry
•   Avoid scalding by not heating drinks using a microwave
•   If a child shows sign of allergies, discover the cause through an elimination process. The possible allergens are milk, food, cosmetics and fibers
•   Regularly use the mosquito nets to avoid disruption of sleep. Mosquito bites erupt the skin which sometimes leads to allergic reaction. There are also diseases caused from mosquito bites and these are dengue, elephant disease, yellow fever, and malaria 
•   Kids need more time of sleep because growth hormones are secreted while sleeping. Therefore establish a healthy sleeping habit by being calm and consistent on bedtime routines
•   Monitor the developments of the child which include gross, motor, physical, behavioural, social, language and others. But remember that every child is unique including his development so avoid comparing one child with another
•   Start toilet training a child when he is ten months old. During this age, he can already sit on the potter.
•   Thoroughly sanitize the toilet seat and do not share this with other children
•   Pay attention to some signs of distress observed from a child and consult a doctor/pediatrician if necessary. Bad signs can be excessive crying, fever, frequent vomiting, convulsions, bluish body discolouration, grunting with difficult breathing, diarrhoea, and neck stiffness
•   Always check the stocks of the first aid kit and keep emergency contact numbers in an accessible area
•   Keep the child’s medicines in a separate box and indicate the proper dosage and frequency of intake per medicine.
•   Be sure there is an available car seat which fit the size of the child
•   Always put in the baby’s little pocket your home address and contact numbers every time you go out with him.
•   When the child is learning how to walk, always supervise him to minimize or avoid accidents
•   In case of a child accident, do some first aid first before taking him to the hospital
•   Do not shake the baby because this might damage his brain
•   Do not put little things within the child’s vicinity
•   Do not put any pointed or sharp objects within the child’s area
•   Do not let water go into the child’s ears while bathing
•   Do not let the child eat when he is crying or coughing
•   Do not overfeed the child
•   Do not put toxic or hazardous substances within the child’s area
•   Do not dress the child with restrictive clothes
•   Do not leave the child unsupervised or unsecured on the bed
•   Do not leave your child to strangers
•   Do not leave unprotected electrical wires and sockets
•   Do not leave your child alone in the kitchen
•   Do not leave the child unsupervised in the tub. Always keep the water at a low level
•   Do not smoke while you are inside your house specially when the child is around
•   Do not put pets within the child’s area. Be sure the pets have complete shots
•   Do not allow the child to climb stairs specially if he is still learning to walk
•   Do not use bright lights in the child’s room
•   Do not accept food from other passengers every time you travel
•   Do not let the child crawl on dirty floors or surfaces
•   Do not allow the child to go near sick persons
•   Do not expose the child to polluted areas, hospital wards, and large crowds
•   Do not put table lamp near the child’s bed to avoid insects while he is sleeping
•   Do not give medicine to your child which was prescribed to somebody
•   Do not give expired medicine to the child

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