Xooma Worldwide presents X2O...
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http://www.XoomaWorldwide.com/tntessWhat is X2O?
X2O is a sachet ( teabag ) filled with Calcium, Magnesium and 70+ essential trace minerals that you simply drop into a bottle of regular water to transform it in to a healthful and revitalizing Super Beverage .
Do I need X2O ?
EVERY body (young and old alike) needs X2O. Why? Today s food supply is nutritionally deficient. Some say bankrupt . Most everyone knows this already. Besides that though, people generally consume way too many ACIDIC foods and beverages. Over consumption of Acidic foods and beverages creates an environment inside the body where illness and diseases can thrive. (Acidosis)
http://www.XoomaWorldwide.com/tntessWhat does X2O do?
X2O is the easy way to not only add more essential nutrition to your body, but to add more alkalinity to your diet as well. When you add X2O to regular water, its pH is raised from approximately 7 to 9.9 +. X2O truly is an ideal "Fuel for your body". It hydrates, mineralizes, alkalizes and revitalizes like nothing else can. X2O is Foundational to good health and should be regularly consumed thru-out one s lifetime.
How do I consume X2O?
With your first $25 order, you will receive a Xooma Lexan Plastic Sports Bottle. Developing the habit of never being without it and simply sipping on X2O throughout the day and night is a goal worthy of pursuit. Under normal conditions, the average person can only absorb approximately three ounces of water every half hour. It is logical to assume then that a sip here and there is the best way to consume X2O. (depending on your size, metabolism, physical activity and temperature of your environment, experts tend to agree that most people need between 2 and 3 quarts of water per day).
http://www.XoomaWorldwide.com/tntessHow much X2O do I add to my water?
That depends on your state of health. ONE X2O sachet per day is the very minimum in 18-24 ozs of clean water if you are already in excellent health. The recommended maintenance dose for most people is two sachets a day. For those wanting to aggressively affect serious degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, gout, etc, 6-10+ sachets a day may be taken. (ie.: 20 ozs water with 2 sachets, three times daily) "Severe issues may require more aggressiveness."**
What do most people report feeling after drinking X2O?
Acidic aggrevated conditions are often generally relieved quickly, ie: joint pain, acid reflux disease, wounds heal faster, more stamina and improved mental clarity is reported, etc. People often say they feel calmer and generally more satisfied for longer periods of time as well. Your body uses less energy to process alkaline foods and beverages, so obviously more energy is left over for you to notice and enjoy. However, there will be some who may notice little or even feel more tired and listless to begin with, especially those who change their diet in addition to drinking X2O. Just because a person stops beating themselves up with unhealthy acidic foods and drinks does not mean that they are still not beat up . There can be a detoxification/healing period that can last from 2 weeks to 3O days, depending on the individual. Good health and longevity is really more about knowing than it is feeling anyway
http://www.XoomaWorldwide.com/tntessAll Team Up
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