Author Topic: Looking for serious promoters.  (Read 1430 times)

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Looking for serious promoters.
« on: February 01, 2010, 10:41:17 PM »
Hello. ( excuse the type o's I am not prefect :P )

I know there is alot of ploys and scams out there promising  you the world.

As well as these free offers and one time payments and you get $40,000 per month as soon as you join.

Yadd yadda yadda.

I have tried so many of these programs & worked and I mean worked hard, countless hours posting at forums, classified ads,

writing articles, blogs, traffic exchanges, so many different techniques and then I figured DOWNline builders!
Nope no good.     :(

Again in everyone of these programs I was promised the world!
Nothing close to the world I recieved.

I have been promoting a "Free people search" It is my own Free people search engine that I earn income from.. Well 5 streams of

income from :) Yeah thats nice.   Something free bringing me income.

I already know what you are thinking, how does giving something away for free earn me money?

Well one of the streams of income you get $1.10 per lead you bring them.
Let me brake that down, when someone chooses to unlock your results for free, their name & e-mail is entered in and that shows

that they are interested in this type of product. And for as long as they so choose they will remain getting free information and

that equals being a lead.

Step 1.
You become an affiliate at Click Bank, HD publishing, My life, AdSense & Commission Junction ( all FREE )
This Free people search is made for you. No need to know html or any tech skills.
You can preview my search engine that I built into my website  The free people search is right at

the top.   ( now you can work here and not pay anything. Hower you need to read bellow about branding.

Step 2.
Notice my domain is I have branded my self, so when people in the future want to get free people search

results, they will think simple and easy to remember. Brand your self for $10 a month to own your own

domain and name it what ever you want! If you do not choose to do this step that is fine, you will not be branded and to get into

the big bucks you need to BRAND yourself! You will be losing commissions to the other 500,000 common free people searches

that are out there.

Step 3.
GDI, Hostgator, GVO, Acme Referral
Here is where you earn the big bucks! Those of you who complete step 3 will be like me trying to make the most bang for your

buck! you will be able to earn mass commissions here! Check this out

GDI, earn $1.00 per month per person you referr to join and remains a member! web hosting service(cost $10 month)
Hostgator, earn upto $125 per person who choses this hosting service. If you personal choose to use this service it is around $10 a


( so a person you sign up either chooses GDI or Hostgator. If they do not choose hostgator they will be offered GDI )

GVO, I hear you can earn big but I will not discuss this, you find out on your own.. it is not a requirement it is extra income.

The reason I will not get into this one is because I have no experience in this service.. I mean sure I can go look it up in my back

office, BUT THIS IS NOT some sales pitch, I am trying to get some sign ups under me and start building a team. Exactly the

reason I will not go and get the info I want to speak on personal knowledge I want you to know me, not what some sales pitch

tries to convice you to spend money on their program.

(APS = Acme People Search)
Now Acme people search referral I can speak of as well as the previous stuff besides GVO.
Acme referral works on a 3 step program, there is a massive bonus for keeping your sign ups completing step 3. against step 1.
APS, is looking for quality employees or business partners, promoters what ever you want to call us, we all run our own stuff.
APS want these people, us, to refer quality people to this program, people for the long haul, people like you and I to make a living

from here, earn income for life.

Now this is how much you can earn by referring others to join this program using your referral link.
(With out the Bonus)
Step 1. $1.00 per person
Step 2. $2.00 per person
Step 3. $3.00 per person

(Keeping step 3 at a 15% ratio)

Step 1. $5.00 per person
Step 2. GDI-$1.00 per month OR Host gator up to $125 one time payment. Host gator referrals equals 1-5 people = $50, 6-10

people = $75, 11-20 = $100, 21+ = $125 This money does not come everymonth like GDI this comes once and thats it the cash

next to the numbers equals how many people signed up though you using hostgator service per month.
Step 3. $15.00 per person one time payment + $4.50 per person every month they stay signed up under you on step 3.

Lets recap, So upon completing step 3 you are available to all these services.
All 3 steps Total cost to you per month is $50.00
You referral who completes step 1 covers over half your cost! plus you earn monthly for these people.
I saved the best for last. If you complete all 3 steps, you will be credited $125 to learn to earn, you have to earn $75 that is less

then 3 people completing all 3 steps, you earn that $75 and you will get paid on the 1st or the 15th of the month. After that I do

minimum payout is 50 bucks.

Go here and click on my Acme people search picture to get to sign up page.

1,000 Leads Daily - 3 Day Risk Free Trial

Business Opportunity Leads!


P.S. Do you want to see how we made $14,178.00 Dollars Last Month?

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