Author Topic: Tweak PDF Converter 4.0  (Read 1449 times)

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Tweak PDF Converter 4.0
« on: February 03, 2010, 01:18:53 AM »
Tweak PDF Converter 4.0 enjoys the rapid and reliable conversion from Word/Excel to PDF and PDF to Word DOC documents. All features of the original file are fully retained intact, layout, imaging positioning, text font, etc. It supports batch conversion and also allows converting only the selected pages of the PDF to Word. The simple utility is easy to use, as you can start the conversion either from the converter or from the Word menu with a button called "Tweak PDF Converter 4.0"


Converts PDF to Word DOC
The converter converts PDF to editable Word DOC. PDF files are not allowed to copy, paste (to Clipboard), print, etc. By converting PDF to Word, you are able to easily modify the content freely. Moreover, the conversion won't do any harm to the original formatting. You don't have to worry about the layout, image positioning, text font, etc.

Converts Word/Excel to PDF
The converter easily converts Word/Excel to PDF for you to enjoy a PDF file after composing a document in Word or Excel. The converter saves all the features of the PDF file, graphics, tables, layout, text fonts, etc. You don’t have to worry about the formatting after conversion.

Batch conversion
Batch conversion saves time. The converter supports batch conversion for both PDF to Word and Word/Excel to PDF.

Partial conversion
Partial conversion refers to PDF to Word conversion. You can select pages from the PDF to convert for specific use rather than to convert the entire PDF wasting time.

Able to convert encrypted files
Password-protected files can also be converted, if the password is available.

No reformatting required
The converter saves all the formatting of the original file when converting. Layout, tables, image positioning, text fonts, etc. are exactly copied from the original to the target file. No messed up file will appear and you don’t have to worry about the reformatting.

Displays exact the same in either PDF or Word
If convert PDF to Word, you will get the Word content displays exactly the same as that displays in PDF. And, you will get the PDF content displays exactly the same as that displays in Word, if convert Word to PDF.

Image positioning
No image messed up with text will appear. All the images will be positioned as the original places.

Keeps the text style exactly
The text style like font, size, color, underline, boldness, shadow and stress, etc. are exactly kept the original.

Converts headers and footers
It converts headers and footers as headers and footers in the converted document.

Retains hyperlinks and bookmarks
If the PDF file contains hyperlinks, they will be still active in the target Word file. In the same case, if the Word file contains hyperlinks, they are active, too. All hyperlinks are supported, like that beginning with http://, https://, ftp:// and ftps:// (e.g.

User Password and Owner Password
If convert Word to PDF, you are allowed to add User Password to protect your file from opening and Owner Password from modifying.

Keeps SuperScript & SubScript
The superscript and subscript text will be kept as they are in the output document.

Able to add PDF properties when converting Word to PDF, Excel to PDF
PDF properties like Title, Description, Author, Allowed Actions, Security, User Name and Own Name and so on can be added to the target PDF file.

4 conversion modes available for PDF to Word conversion
You can convert PDF to Word in four modes: convert PDF to Word with Flowing Text, Text in texts, Text with styles, Plain text.

Converts PDF to Word with Flowing Text
This conversion retains all the contents and the formatting from the PDF document. The formatting won't change, including the layout, image positioning, etc. It is best for use if you intend to edit the file after conversion.

Converts PDF to Word with Text with Styles
Only retains the text together with its styles, discarding all other objects and formatting like tables, charts, images, page layout and columns, etc.

Converts PDF to Word with Plain Text
Only keeps text with no styles, discarding all other objects (images, tables, graphics, etc.) and the formatting (text styles, page layout, columns, etc.) If you want that like a Notepad document, this mode would be best.

Converts PDF to Word with Text in Texts
The Word file you get is an exact replica of the original PDF document. It retains everything from the PDF, but the entire text will be sliced into many individual texts, which is helpful for editing without changing the layout of the whole document. It is best for use if you intend to use it in presentation, brochures, newspapers or magazines, etc.

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