Lock your Spot 360 is a Brand new Network Marketing company currently in Pre-Launch. They are currently set to launch Globally on May 15, 2010.
Very little information is given on the company. There is currently no available information regarding the types of products (I surmise they are nutritional products), as well, there is no available information on the Compensation Plan.
Who started "Lock your Spot 360"? Very little information is given on that subject as well. The website states over 20 Network Marketing Superstars grouped together to try something new. These "Leaders" are said to have a combined experience of over 100 years in the industry, as well as Marketed more than 1 Billion Dollars in product sales.
According to Company Literature, Members profit from those that they enroll, as well as those that they don't. You earn money from Product purchases from "Everyone" who joins after you, forever.
Click here to join for free :http://LockYourSpot.com/aeolianI joined it a couple of weeks ago and now this is the result :