In less than 2 weeks i have over 55,500 members in my group. Below is the latest AMR update. Thx, Dan
From the desk of AMR Management
Dear Website Tester,
3 weeks ago, our project went online and since then, a new Website Tester registered about every 20 seconds! We have approximately 105,000 testers registered from more than 100 nations so far (as of 2010-07-02). We welcome all of you and thank you for joining the AMR team.
With your help, come September 1st, we will be the largest website-tester network in the world!
Since the beginning, we have had thousands of calls/inquiries which have been impossible to answer individually. Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions:
1. Is Alpha Market Research, Inc. (AMR) a registered company?
AMR is incorporated and registered in the State of Nevada (USA). AMR focuses on marketing and research for companies that use the internet to promote their products/services.
2. How will AMR compensate the website tester?
We want to compensate our site testers quickly and easily with the money they have earned and since there is not one single payment system which is easily accepted worldwide, we have to decide on which ones are the most efficient and effective (e.g., PayPal, Alert Pay, etc.). Therefore, we are requesting that you actively participate in our survey where you are invited to let us know what your first choice of method is to receive payments.
Please go to and let us know as soon as possible.
3. When will the first website testing jobs be offered?
The project is still in pre-launch until 8-31. Starting 9-1, the process of offering jobs will begin. Depending on the tester’s place of residence, language, age group and fields of interest, it will take some days before you actually receive your first job offer. It is important that all the testers check their personal member’s area at least once per day so that they do not miss a job/lose potential income!
4. Are there really that many companies that want to have their websites tested?
Every day we receive inquiries from companies interested in having their sites tested and many are just ready and waiting for us to provide what they want. Starting August 1st, our sales team will be contacting interested companies, to more completely present our unique service and prepare the opportunity for you to earn consistent monthly income.
Due to the many inquiries from prospective clients, we are currently looking to fill the following additional sales positions to complete our team:
- Country Manager/State Manager
As a Country or State Manager, your job would be to respond to all company inquiries in your country/state and to cultivate new business wherever possible in your territory.
Click here for details
- Affiliate Management Consultants
We are also creating an Affiliate Marketing Program for our company clients and as an Affiliate Management Consultant, your clients will be the companies that want to increase their business and you will show them how we can help them acquire more customers as our marketing affiliates promote their products/services on a commission basis.
Click here for details
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Your AMR Management