MangoXchange - Hosting websites Since 2002 under HaBangTech!
We offer high quality, secure, reliable hosting with full support and Enterprise Class Server to HOST Your Website.
Now including LiteSpeed, up to 9x faster than standard apache web hosting.
Switch to MangoXchange?
We can Transfer Your Website from your current host to MangoXchange, Completely Free of Charge.
Mutilple Datacenter for your Hosting
Singapore, Hong Kong, China, United States and United Kingdom
cPanel Web Hosting - plans starting as low as $3.00 per month!
>>> Why Choose MangoXchange?
- cPanel 11 and Fantastico / Softaculous included in all plans.
- No restrictions! Create mysql databases, sub domains, email accounts and many more.
- Hosting websites Since 2002!
- Online Webmail and FTP (includes Roundcube, Horde, SquirrelMail)
- CURL, ImageMagick, GD, PHP 5, MySQL 5, CGI, IonCube, Zend Optimizer and much more!
- No Hidden Fees
- Free Setup on all accounts
- High quality, fast and low latency Premium Bandwidth
- Virus and Spam email protection
- High performance, security and reliability with Raid protected space.
- 24/7/365 Server Monitoring with instant REACTION (1 minute interval checks)
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee SLA
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- Daily Complete Website Backups using R1soft Technology
- 24x7 Live Support
Payment Accepted: Paypal, Moneybookers, Alertpay, Alipay, 99bill and CC.
Go to our website for more information on our Web Hosting Services -
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+PS: Email us directly for a fast reply or you can even reach us via Phone. As we run our own in-house Staff.