Leg pain caused by shin splints, and may cause tension, stiff muscles and tendons, or fractured bones. Although the stretch does not do much to make up for bone fractures, tibial splint stretches of course prevent the tibia splint too tight or tense muscles. Surprisingly, many concentrated in the lower leg splint stretches stretching the calf muscle, although some will also focus on stretching the muscles in front of the tibia. It is important to remember that shin splints extended, step by step process to prevent shin splints, other steps may be necessary, such as gait correction.To began a course of extension of the tibia splint, began stretching the calf muscles. Looking for a high-profile or steps in the stairs and standing on the podium with the high heels of the feet hanging. Platform heels down the plane, while keeping the legs straight. This should cause a sensation in the calf muscles stretch. To increase the resistance, standing on the platform is only one foot, the other hanging in the air. A change of this work, you can press the toes and ball of the foot wall and lean forward, or use the leg stretching machine at a local gym or fitness center.