Diet Syndrome X is used to restore the condition known as metabolic syndrome, mainly. This program follows a diet to lose weight, and is said to be able to reduce the risk of heart disease and other obesity-related diseases. There are some features that are used to help patients diagnosed - also called it metabolic or X is - Syndrome X diet is a syndrome and a healthy diet X Hitoshi Naka have symptoms of a single exercise. While I follow the plan. The main features are obesity, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and high cholesterol. The secondary characteristics to lead a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, aging, hormonal imbalance, and includes a genetic tendency. Obesity, body mass index (BMI) 40 that is defined as having 25 percent of men over 30% of women, information about men and 40 inches or more (cm 102), percentage body fat measured waist less than 35 inches higher than for females (89 cm).