Just my falling into slumber and a massive jerk jerk, or sleeping, usually occurs. As people often falling sensation, or electric shock, it is completely normal experience. Initiation or over-tired that have most generally uncomfortable sleep. Has been mostly studied on the subject, but have some theories why hypnic jerks occur as. When you drift off to sleep our body temperature, breathing and muscle relaxation changes are made. You may jerk relax muscles. Wakeup signal our limbs and misinterpreted as a sign of this fall's; therefore, the cramping legs or arms. It may occur during rapid eye movement jerking and sleep. REM stage dream happen, and to stop any spontaneous muscle activity muscle tension in drop-complete with time. During the REM, slight eye or ear seizures, some people experience, which also causes jerking. Sleep disorders and some people achieve relaxation of muscles to act on their own are known.