Author Topic: Red Blood Cell Count  (Read 1811 times)

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Red Blood Cell Count
« on: March 15, 2011, 06:03:37 AM »
Red blood cell count (RBC) is a blood test which determines the number of red blood cells, or arithrositis, in blood samples. This test also assesses the shape and size of red blood cells. All this information is then used to determine the number of red blood cells in blood and mikroliter. red blood cells count values according to age and sex of the patient. The number of red blood cells from radiation 4.2-5.0 million per mikroliter to women and 4.6-6.0 million men. Normal red blood cells count for children normally between red blood cells 3.8 and 5.5 million per volume. this blood test is a very important indicator of the health of the patient. This may mean a low red blood cells in anemia patient or acute or chronic blood loss, malnutrition and chronic inflammation or the number of undernourished, including iron, copper, vitamin b 12, vitamin b 6. Meanwhile, higher than the average radiation count, called bolisithimia, can be a sign of congenital heart disease or pulmonary fibrosis or kidney problems. Increase in red blood cells also can occur naturally, though. People living at high altitudes tend to be the number of radiation higher than the average, smokers often more red blood cells to non-smokers. radiological outcome is almost always as part of the full blood count (CBC), which specifies the number of rbeks and white blood cells and platelets. This blood test is generally routine and also physical brisorgikal procedure. Patients who suffer from chronic anaemia, blood disorders or chronic bleeding problems might count red blood cells, often testing until doctors can track any increase or decrease of red blood cells.

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