Author Topic: Rare Blood Types  (Read 2042 times)

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Rare Blood Types
« on: March 15, 2011, 08:31:11 AM »
It is almost to classify some rare blood type system blood group ABO and rhesus within groups that will be used. It is less than 1% of the rarest AB, blood type, the world's population. B and o-also each accounting for less than 5% of very rare, the world's population. Is the recognition of creation, however only a handful of rare blood type, some people view this basic two or more of over 30 blood type system. Determined by the presence of specific antigen in the blood for blood type. Very common antigens A and B antigen blood group O is a simple Antigen to categorize people. After the blood type a negative or positive existence, rhesus factor and lack of. However, there can be beyond the other Antigen can react with A B antigen differentially provided by blood. And someone a rare blood type A +, you may, however, may have contained a different Antigen + donor blood Antigen negative reaction he or she. Bombay blood shortages, people with blood group O and H antigens in non-material usually indicates lack of Group O and B antigen. It is in their blood, meaning you have to get sick from O donors if that is necessary. The name of the India area as Hh blood groups and blood type also it was found. Factors of Antigen are some other blood types used: D factor, factor E coefficient C, M factor S, Le (a) factors, K-factor (a) fiscal factors, factors, Jk (b), (b) fiscal factors and: in other words, the blood type AB, someone: (b) and k-. Medicine and the blood transfusion from the K coefficient negative if donors was this personal experience. Is first year 3 students as Duffy negative feature in some cases, these factors are: (a), (b) is known for people to refer to year exhibition, specific patients.

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