Author Topic: Foods to Eat After Dental Work or Oral Surgery  (Read 2223 times)

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Foods to Eat After Dental Work or Oral Surgery
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:27:32 AM »
Oral surgery can leave patients feeling nauseous and not all that interested in food, but it is really important to eat after oral surgery, and eating well. Of feeding the body with food of high quality, will be reduced healing time and the patient will generally feel better as well. Fortunately, there are a large number of foods to eat after oral surgery, and patients should not be bored or restless with their diet. As with any medical procedure, and advice from a doctor to replace any advice you may receive the other patient, and patients with questions should consult doctors.To the outset, it is sometimes useful to compile a list of foods not to eat after oral surgery. As a general rule, patients should avoid any food which is strongly flavored, such as Indian food is hot. Spicy foods can not hurt in the mouth, can also be sweets or foods that are too hot or too cold. It should also be crunchy, sticky, and sharp foods can be avoided. These include such things as potato chips, peanut butter, and hard candy. Ask your doctor about foods to watch out for, and personal experience of his medical practice may include some additional foods.Soft serious, easy to digest foods are the best thing to eat after oral surgery, especially during the first few days. On the day of surgery, and can be suspended with water, tea and juice will be a good idea. This will be the foods of neutral sit well with the anesthesia lingering in the body. Is also important to stay hydrated for a period of rapid recovery. Doctor also may recommend that the patient use light salt rinse after eating, to ensure that the presence of particles of food remain in the food mouth.Soft is the name of the game after oral surgery. There are a number of soft foods, ranging from a variety of delicious eggnog rich apple ordinary patients can eat after oral surgery. Some of the options include milk, juices, thin soups, broth, soft fruit, sorbet, ice cream, candy, jelly ®, and the rice is well cooked. Can be cold foods like ice cream and sorbet to help with pain in the mouth, while the pureed foods and beverages is easy to swallow, even after oral surgery painful. It is important to seek to achieve a balance of protein and fiber when patients eat after oral surgery, because the temptation is to stick with foods such as juice, which does not provide the necessary nutrition.

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Re: Foods to Eat After Dental Work or Oral Surgery
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 04:00:57 AM »
Wisdom teeth are often removed due to impaction or pain caused by crowding. For some people this third set of molars is able to grow in without complication, for many others surgical removal of the wisdom teeth is needed. After any surgical procedures there are special instructions that should be followed for health reasons and optimal healing; wisdom teeth removal is no exception to this rule. Since this surgery is done in the mouth it should come as no surprise that eating can be difficult for the first few days after the teeth are removed.

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