Is defined as painful abdominal cramps, abdominal, stomach and intestinal tract in muscle contraction. Pain is acute or chronic and suddenly can piecemeal. Abdominal pain more often minor, but can in some cases, to reflect a serious medical condition is. It is usually a symptom of another condition, such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, excessive gas, constipation, infant colic, stomach flu. As for cramps, abdominal feel and, necessarily, from the abdominal cavity organs occur. For abdominal pain are referenced from different areas of the body is known as the pain. Is feels the abdomen are some examples of this type of pain kidney and gall stones. Responsibility of organs of the ovaries and the uterus, where women often cause abdominal cramps. Menstrual cramps are monthly menstruation, accompany the feeling of other diseases. Endometriosis is organization is displaced from the uterus and may cause painful abdominal cramps to occur. Uterine myoma, benign tumor is the main cause of the two women usually also appear on the wall of the uterus, ovarian cysts, ovarian benign abdominal cramps.