An abnormal opening, often referred to the bowels of the hole. Technically means a hollow viscus found inside the body. There are examples of these hollow organs in the chest and abdomen like stomach, Appendix, intestines, spleen, gall bladder and urinary bladder. The bowels of a singular term, often used in reference to only one body. In plural, viscera, generally the term refers to the involvement of many hardware. hollow organs often several layers of cells in the walls to accommodate articles within. Found the food consumed during meals and certain acids normally used in digestion in the stomach. Digistid food and waste material faster than the body and are usually found in the intestine. Gallbladder bile contains bile acids in General, the urinary bladder of urine storage site mostly before enactment of the leak. within the abdomen and usually occurs in the presence of the bowels of abdomen puncture. Often these toxic materials inside the cavity, and a patient's life in danger. Often the bacteria to the blood system in most cases, and thus the immediate medical care and effective treatment generally required in such situations. Perforation can occur hollow viscus. Blunt abdominal trauma such as often occurs in accidents can lead to perforation of the spleen and other organs. Penetrating abdominal trauma frequently can reach important organs such as intestines and stomach as those caused by gunshots and stab wounds. Injuries sometimes can lead to visceral perforation such as those that occur in the Appendix ruptured, rupture of bitterness, and complexity of typhoid fever.