Reticular formation is a comprehensive network of nerves that have been found in the Central time zone. Configuration tasks include many basic functions of the body, such as the ability to get sleep recovery and its effects, and the ability to focus on tasks easily without fragmentation. Generally, the reticular formation is thought by some researchers that participate with at least 25 of behaviors and functions that are essential to health and the continued existence of each individual. between the top and the bottom stem brain midbrin, found the fourth ventricle reticular formation and cerebral arches. Is one of the most important tasks of the Organization of the nervous system and Autonomic functions. This means that the reticular formation function directly involved with what is commonly referred to as functions of unconscious. Your help in regulating heart beating and breathing spontaneously and breathing and digesting food in the gastrointestinal tract. Midbrain reticular formation thus also essential in the process of elimination, and helps organize defecation and urination.