There are apartments in Jacksonville for those with a less than ideal credit record. You just have to know where to look.
Any leasing office will conduct a credit check and it can be pretty frustrating if you end up not getting apartments in Jacksonville for rent because of your less than perfect credit history. It's hard enough to get Jacksonville apartments as it is. Jacksonville is one of the most populous places in the United States and the tourist influx only increases the demand for valuable real estate.
Having bad credit can be a really bad situation to be in; not only does one with bad credit have to face denials and rejections for low interest house loans and car loans, apartment owners also refuse to rent out to those with bad credit. But take heart, the situation might be difficult, but not impossible. There are plenty people out there with bad credit who have somehow found good apartments in Jacksonville to live in, although admittedly they'd have had to put significant more effort than those with clean credit records.