Author Topic: Background - Network Marketer in the Making - IMPORTANT  (Read 1379 times)

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Background - Network Marketer in the Making - IMPORTANT
« on: July 31, 2008, 09:41:18 PM »
Hello everyone, you may have noticed, I do have another Topic in this forum called: Marketing Help, legit vs scam, and Free programs to look for
Maybe you have already read some of what I have posted, and maybe not. Either way I believe you should know a little about my background other than where I am from. It is a bit boring at first. but hang in there.

in case you don't know, I am from Newfoundland, Canada. Grew up in small town. ha ha. 6 Students graduated with me. A lot of attention though.... apparently attention is a big deal these days. I spent a lot of time playing sports and what not.  Normal kind of things, though I loved computers.(hang on with me,,, this boring stuff will end soon) Couldn't help but do everything possible I can with a computer. Take it apart/rebuild... Use software which were used in collage courses, for ex: 3DS Max and Maya.. C++ and HTML.. though C++ kinda got the best of me, I guess I was trying to take too much in.
That passed, I graduated and moved to Corner Brook, which is the closest city to home. I picked up a few jobs, while in my spare time... (Here it is people) I tried to earn money on-line.

WELL.. You don't need to tell me that was a bad idea jumping into.
 $1000 bucks in my first year. no, not profit, LOST.
It was part my fault, and partly not.
For one. I didn't have a filing cabinet.. YES, a filing cabinet.. If you don't have one. Get a binder, a big one.

Why?? ITS IMPORTANT FOR TAX PURPOSES... if its legit after all, you will have to file tax and everything.. Face it, we all have to give big brother a piece of the cake.

anyways. I picked up a filing cabinet and started placing the companies that I did make a small profit from, and placed them each with there own folder. with tax info/receipts of payment.

oh, did you know that you can claim tax's for your office space??? ha ha, you got it. DO IT RIGHT.

back to the point. I still only had 4 companies.. and all together was only 20 bucks a month.
I discarded the rest and forgot about it. Then a man that know my mother heard me talking about the Marketing business I was trying to build. Just so happen that he was Marketing offline for 26 years and on-line for 8 years.

He gave me some great advise. For one... If you are going to invest,, you have to invest in what you will need. Not what will make you money.
"huh? what are you talking about?" is the exact words I said.

He asked me if I had a website.. I said no.. he Asked me if I had any ad campaigns.. I said no.. he then asked "what service do you offer?"

I said "Service?" well, lets say he told me I had it ALL WRONG...

After talking with him, I had a complete different perspective of what Marketing is. I still wasn't not an expert, but I had an idea of what I had to aim for.

I went hunting for a good place to get my own website,, for a reasonable price. This was scaring me. I didn't know what to expect. I did find a place for $180, and that was for the full year. I took it, and with this I Started building my site around showing people effective ways to advertise for free. Some which I picked up in that conversation. Which I still provide. You can simply ask :D

With proper adjustments, I was soon advertising with Google. Good price too.

All of this was super tough to keep up with.. I worked at a call center while doing this, so I was in front of a computer all day as it was. I certainly held on though. I was actually making profit... not enough to live on, but an extra 100 bucks every month helped.

This is when everything kinda sunk to hell and beyond.... I got sick,, used all my sick days. Got stressed. Got in trouble with the law for possession of marijuana, and a fine on top of that.

safe to say I put it aside for a short time while I straightened my head. I went to the doctor, and dealt with my stress a different way. I must have been 2 months away from the computer. a few of my prospects had dropped out, and I received only 50 bucks... I didn't let it get to my head though, I figured it would happen.

I got right back at it, no problem either, the next month $180, the best check ever from on-line. not from one company,, it was like 30 bucks over 6 companies. Not exactly living the high life, but certainly a motivator. "I encourage you to not spend the money you make from it, let it be your nest egg"

Recently a few Payed Social networks have sprouted up and I jumped into them right away. Things kinda started to get hard to keep track of actually, I kinda end of with small payments in weird times of the month... But up until about 4 months ago, I was was racking in $250+ a month. Which means, this year I have to file tax's and claim on the office use for electricity, paper/utilities. he he he.

with that aside 5 months ago I was introduced to Kimball Roundy. I believe I mentioned his name in my other Topic. He was developing a system which is only now just starting to lift off, and I swear to his word, that this guy has seriously developed something amazing. He is not even asking for a dime. So hey. of COURSE I would check out the free stuff.

I will not brag about my income, but my stress is gone,, and any given time I will end my J.O.B.

(Kinda waiting for someone to tick me off... I always wanted to leave my job with a nice angry,, I QUIT)

maybe I am dramatic, but what can I say. 8)

anyways, I am gonna conclude this one, I want to thank you for getting to know me a little better, and how I got to where I am. I am not a millionaire yet, but what I can tell you is that everything I follow is legit, and pay well. The systems I use, and offer are free. This is one of my key goals. As free as possible.

I will tell you now, that in order to succeed on-line you will need to apply your Time OR your Money. Sometimes a little bit of both. What I am here to do is help you achieve what I have achieve without spending too much time, or too much money, as I did in the past.

To read up on some useful marketing knowledge I have taken in, Visit the following link:
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 09:43:10 PM by damiendollars »

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