Author Topic: Save 50% or MORE on your next Fill-Up!  (Read 1401 times)

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Save 50% or MORE on your next Fill-Up!
« on: August 05, 2008, 08:57:33 AM »
I can't believe this has not been pursued by the Auto Mfgrs! This Technology has been aound for 100 YEARS! Recent events, (higher Gas prices) have become a catalyst in bringing this "OLD" technology back to life and is now allowing thousands of people to enjoy an INCREASE in mileage of 50% to 100% and MORE in some cases. WOW!

I have been a Mechanic forover 45 years and have "experimented" with various devices over the years and find this to be among the BEST opportunities to be able to save money on all your future Gasoline and Diesel purchases.

I am currently building my own "prototype", (actually a test bed) using my own 2003 Dodge Dakota. I am curently ONLY getting 15 mpgs
with a 3.9L 6 cyl engine, with a throttle body injection sysyem. Chrysler happens to be among the WORST Vehicles in the efficiency dept.

So that's my starting point and anything would be better than what I am getting and I will be posting my results when I finish installing and testing this system.

I am currently promoting the website so you can get a free 7 day report to see if you would be interested in purchasing this material for yourself. The website is at and you can decide for yourself about how this is conveniently being "overlooked" by the Media and the Auto Industry.

To be honest with you, I am considering adding this to my Quick Lube Business, if my results are as good as some of the testimonials claim they are. There are many people doing it already and I believe it will be a great way to make additional money.

I will be available for questions and comments, you know the drill. Thanks. RR

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