Order here now:
http://www.casesinthebox.com/blue-gevey-supreme-pro-sim-card-unlock-all-version-iphone-4-except-ios-5_p3825.htmlThe Gevey Supreme will automate the manual unlock method, so you won’t be needing to dial 112 or put your iPhone into airplane mode for 45 seconds etc.
To unlock your iPhone 4 with Gevey Supreme (Pro Plus), all you need to do is to put your unofficial carrier SIM card along with the Gevey Supreme in your iPhone. GeveySupreme still use 112 exploit, but you won’t need to do anything, because it will automatically dial 112 from your iPhone in background and turn on and off Airplane mode in the background. The whole automated unlock procedure will only take less than a minute or two.
Regarding Gevey Superme: there is nothing illegal about this. You actually need to plug it in your iPhone 4, then everything would gose fine. And No you will not get in trouble like Gevey sim give you bore.( yes it really is illegal to dail 112 and wait until it connects, but there is no need for that at all) I have been using my gevey supreme for more than a week now and im pleased with it.
It could not be any simpler. . . Install it and forget it, so what are you waiting for?
Gevey Sim Supports:4.0-4.3.3
Basebands:1.59, 2.10, 3.10.1, 4.10, 4.10.1