Author Topic: Fozul - Advertise your website for FREE - LEGIT!  (Read 934 times)

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Fozul - Advertise your website for FREE - LEGIT!
« on: November 28, 2011, 06:09:03 PM »

Welcome to Fozul,

Fozul is a new and free website advertisement website. We currently have only our free options available. Our banner exchange and paid banners will be inplemented in the near future. But for now, lets focus on the good stuff.

Free Advertisements:

Use the following two methods for receiving maximum traffic from our website. Method one is a rank based method, the popularity and reputation of the advertised website will judge if it gets on top of the top-list, and Method two is basically a free-for-all equal based advertisement.
Method 1. Click on ' Advertise for Free! Click here ' on the banner above or click on 'Advertise for free' on our navigation menu, they will both direct you to our free advertisement section of our website. Click on 'Join' and from there everything should be easy. If you are confused or need help, play our video above.

Method 2. Click on ' Community forum ' on our navigation and post a free ad on our forum. This is easy and fast.

Once the website expands with approximately 200+ websites, it will basically be a traffic-machine. We will implement categories on our front page, to offer users that want to find websites that are useful to them, that website could be yours. Patience is a virtue, traffic is a struggle. Let's see what we can do united. Post your ads and help promote Fozul. It has a very futuristic view of it's future, and it's uniqueness will rise to the surface!

Thank you!

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