I was satisfied enough with my first
Abstract Paintings in non colored documents to keep going. Actually, I prepared four canvases at the starting, creating sure they had a strong cover of bright colour.As I ongoing to perform on this new abstract painting
Abstract Oil Paintings I included some further doldrums and a cadmium red lighting, but kept the natural, reduce experience I'd began with.I used bright to combination the colours, and sometimes just a dry clean to combination one
Landscape Oil Paintings shade into the next. At one factor I included some cadmium yellow-colored light--just a few cerebral vascular accidents with a clean. I combined these a bit too, but not so much as to reduce the primary shade and appearance.My ultimate
Landscape Paintings phase was to sketch wrinkles in bright while the material was still wet.I also attracted with mars dark-colored, which assisted determine the structure.I like
Modern oil Paintings the overall look and feeling of this now, but haven't determined yet whether it is completed.