The struggles many parents, their children like uncombable hair, the hair of certain children totally unbrushable a rare genetic condition is really. Not placing flat known as uncombable hair syndrome, spicy Pili trianguli and canaliculi, scalp causing victims ' hair frizzy hair patches grow. Individual hairs firmly so circular hair loss can also be associated with this condition. Uncombable hair syndrome was rare because the first was France researchers discovered in the early 1970s, but 60 less than had been reported in the late 1990s. Another condition of UHS features inspired name: glass hair. Uncombable hair syndrome usually very blond fine or delicate glass threads appearance generates straw colored hair. More easily understandable studying Uncombable hair syndrome caused by any other name, spicy Pili trianguli and canaliculi. Out hair (pili), kink, and Carl irregular, almost triangular shaft from the follicle grow up in. You can see the Canal under microscopic examination of the running length of each hair. Easy to scalpful as a result, breaks and chemical ease or not are untameable blonde hair straight. There is currently no treatment, were known, Uncombable hair syndrome, mostly because of a genetic nature. Depending on the State of many children being annoyed by it in puberty, growth is uncombable some some patches to early adulthood is known. When hair shaft changes child age and shape are more manageable. Color and texture over time hair, dark shadows and thick consistency-you can change.