Find a MotorHome in your Region with special offers
We know the credit crunch is squeezing everyone at the moment but we also know you don't want to miss out on your family holiday either. So our new price analyst 'TECCI TED' has decided to make the little luxuries in life a bit easier to afford by offering you a chance to pay what YOU think your holiday is worth-not what we tell you it's worth!
All you need to do is look at our list of weekly prices and email 'TECCIE TED' with your best offer for any
motorhome, any week, that is taken by the end of January!
Here is the list of what we would like you to pay:
2 Berth £595.00 per week.
4/5 Berth £695.00 per week.
6 Berth £795.00 per week.
Now, what would you like to pay? Make your best offer.
Why not email 'TECCIE TED' with your best offer. If you want to pay the price listed above- you can!! TED would really love you to do that, but if it's not worth that to you email TED with what YOU think your motorhome holiday is worth. If you keep in mind the running costs and the fact our motorhomes are all luxurious and excellently appointed and you make TED a sensible offer he might just accept it! If he has the grumps and he doesn't think your offer is a fair one he will email and let you know, either way.
So ASK TED and see what he says, you could bag-yourself-a-bargain! You can email TED as many times as you wish at info@motorhomesuk.co.uk
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and in the subject line please put ASK TED.
Thank you very much.
Jackson White
N E Lincolnshire, UK
"Miles ahead of the competition"