Author Topic: Top Food Ingredients To Avoid - Causes Serious Illness  (Read 993 times)

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Top Food Ingredients To Avoid - Causes Serious Illness
« on: July 10, 2013, 08:41:08 PM »
Warning…. Stop Eating These Harmful Food Ingredients
They Cause Serious Health Problem

A nation of people are suffering from serious illnesses, obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other unnecessary health problems.

You have to wonder why Poor health is ever increasing.

What Really is the root Cause?

No doubt many factors contribute to health problems but really there is logical reason to link health to nutrition.

It is a fact that our bodies were designed to ingest organic natural foods grown from the earth. The human body thrives and functions at it’s best on natural earth grown foods untampered with artificial additives and chemicals.

But the commercial world that we live in has defeated the natural functioning of how our bodies were designed to work when it comes to nutrition.

Intelligently when you go against the natural flow you will encounter problems.

For example, when you purchase an automobile or some type of machine, it comes with instructions on does and don’t, such as the best products to use on it so that the vehicle or machine will function at maximum level and stay in good shape.

The vehicle was designed to function with oil in the engine, therefore if you were to deviate from that and put water inside the engine it will cause major damages to the engine which will cause the vehicle not to work.

Like wise with the human body, it was designed with nutritional instructions of do’s and don’ts.

The human body was design for organic natural food consumption,

NOT artificial chemical foods.

Like a vehicle engine to water…… it is dangerous to put artificial chemical foods in an organic body.

The result….. the body will malfunction and Major health problems will occur.

WARNING…….These Top Food Additive Ingredients Are Hazardous To Your Health

Artificial Sweetners 

1.Aspartame known as Nutrasweet and Equal (Poison to the body)

2.High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

3. MSG- Mono Sodium Glutmate

4. Trans-fat

Toxins ultimately slow digestive function and actually cling to fat cells in your body making it harder for your body to use them for energy.

Until you purge the toxins, the fat cells aren’t available for energy use. But once purged and with a diet of foods that naturally boost metabolism, you can quickly shed those unwanted pounds and keep them off!

My good friend Dr. Charles has created a comprehensive  ebook called
The Fat Loss Factor that not only includes a comprehensive detox program and list of metabolism boosting foods, but absolutely EVERYTHING you need to:

Finally Eliminate Belly Fat by Attacking it at the Source!
Fully Develop and Incorporate the Healthy Lifestyle Mindset
Finally Reach and Maintain Your Weight Loss Goals
Prepare Delicious and Nutritious Meals in as Little as 5 Minutes or Less
Live the Happier, Healthier Life You Want and Deserve

Watch Dr. Charles Video here >>  for more information on weight loss and nutritional foods.

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Re: Top Food Ingredients To Avoid - Causes Serious Illness
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 08:07:11 AM »
Absolutely you are right.

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