Author Topic: N Banner Rotation without Reloading Page Plug-in for OpenX  (Read 2424 times)

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N Banner Rotation without Reloading Page Plug-in for OpenX
« on: October 24, 2008, 05:11:55 AM »

An adserver is a web server which hosts advertisements used in online marketing. The content of the web server is constantly updated, so that the website or webpage on which the ads are displayed, contains new advertisements i.e. banners (static images/animations) or text when the site or page is visited or refreshed by a user. In addition, the adserver also performs various other tasks like counting the number of impressions/clicks for an ad campaign/s and report generation, which helps in determining the ROI, for an advertiser, on a particular website.


OpenX is Open source software that helps publishers make more capital from online advertise. It is the most popular ad server key that puts control over online advertise back in the hands of publishers which is a open source software written in PHP using the Mysql database.

Though openx hold lots of feature but still some modules makes to shine more i.e. making openx interface more user friendly.

N Banner Rotation without Reloading Page is one among them.

This mod is very constructive and reliable for openx users, predominantly for publishers. This mod will help publisher to rotate N banners in same zone. Through that publisher can get more advertisers. This aspect is not available in openx. So to incorporate this aspect into openx has developed this module for openx.

What is the need of this module?

In openx publisher can’t rotate banners in same zone. Through this publisher can rotate banners of advertisers in same zone. It means the first banner will be automatically replaced by next banner. After some time the second banner will be replaced by next one in queue. Also it will not increase execution time in their page, because it rotates once the page executes. So to accomplish this aspect, has developed this module.

The following is some feature of this module

•   Very useful to the publisher and advertiser.
•   Rotates the banners at regular intervals.
•   Displays N banners in the same zone.

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