Author Topic: Try It... Feel It... Share It...  (Read 1655 times)

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Try It... Feel It... Share It...
« on: November 05, 2008, 04:43:54 AM »
We are in a Crisis, An Energy Drink Crisis!

Thanks to the advertising efforts of every major bottling company from Coca-Cola to Pepsi Co.,
millions of people around the world are turning to Energy Drinks to give them that extra boost we all crave! Energy Drinks, as a whole, are saturated with stimulants such as Caffeine and Ephredine which can elevate the heartrate and bloodpressure, deprive the consumer of sleep, and dehydrate the body leaving you tired and fatigued.

FINALLY! There Is A New Breed Of Energy...... "Herbal Clean Energy"

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bHIP, (a real company) have created the worlds first truly healthy energy drink called . . . bHIP Energy!
An energy drink that feeds the body and you feel it in minutes!! bHIP's proprietary blend of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids is scientifically formulated to infuse, and instantly replenish, energy at the cellular level with zero interference from artificial caffeine, stimulants, sugar, or by-products.

Once you TRY it and FEEL it, you will want to SHARE it!

Don't be left behind in the Energy Drink BOOM! For $49.95 you can become a bHIP Independent Distributor. You will receive a personal bHIP Global marketing website, an online retail store and the Global Software System.

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