Hi there ,
In my book, this community is the go-to place for SEO advice, content writing, etc. I've achieved a steady income each month (even during my absense) based on the information and tips from this forum.
From a Reddit post, I found out about a traffic exchange website, called Hitleap, and I thought I'd share the information with IB.
Hitleap claims to be "The Quality Traffic Exchange," which from my take - it seems to be very decent at providing real visitors to any target website. With Hitleap, you can earn credits by using their traffic exchange tool, then use those credits to deliver hits to any page based on your preferences. When you send the traffic, you can set how long each visit will stay on your page and how many hits you want to receive per hour.
The only small issue that I'm aware of is that until you pay for either the Premium Lite ($4 per month) or the Premium ($12 per month), your visitors will not be masked - visibly coming from Hitleap. If you pay for the membership, your visits will be anonymous and you'll receive extra website slots and credits.
Since this is possibly a decent way to "ping" an article, I thought I'd fill everyone in and see what IB thougt about this tool. Does anyone have any idea if an autohits service gives a website better page rank? Are there any other tools like this? I'd appreciate any advice or precautions for using something like this before I start sending large amounts of traffic.
Here you can enjoy it :