Openx has its plenty feature in its own but still modules makes openx interface more user friendly and
reliable adserver to the clients.
User Profile Targeting is especially valuable and consistent module for openx users.
This module allows
openx users to target
ads based on user profile information stored about their user during registration. Through this module advertiser
can choose the delivery limitation by targeting the specific people. For example, on collecting the gender, you can serve unique ads to males and females. For this functionality
publisher need to pass profile information to invocation code for displaying the banners.
To comprise the feature into
openx, has developed this module for openx users.
Need for User Profile Targeting:You can use this to
increase the chance that particular profile of the Search audience will see your ad. Clicks originating from
profile targeted ads using recently conducted searches convert
5 to 10 times better than clicks from non-targeted ads. Using this mod Advertisers can target their audience on the basis of their profiles. Admin can select the required
targeting categories that have to be displayed in the Banner properties. Advertisers can confine their targeted audience according to their needs.
Features of User Profile Targeting module:
• Helps to target the ads to specific profile.
• Will provide instant and efficient results.
• Very useful for the advertiser to cover his target group alone.
• Very simple to install and user friendly.
Openx:OpenX is an open-source advertising server trusted by more than 30,000 web publishers in over 100 countries around the world.