Hi folks. I've tried several security apps for Android and have decided that Leo Privacy Guard is the best.
Here are my top favorite features that Leo Privacy Guard offers...
1. App Locking. Self explanatory. It allows you to lock your applications so that only you have access.
2. Ability to hide photos, contacts, phone calls, videos, etc. Very nice to have.
3. Snooper-selfie. This is just awesome. It's a built in feature that takes a photo when a potential security breech is detected. That way you can come back later and see who has been snooping in your phone.
4. Advanced protection modes. This basically allows you to quickly switch between privacy modes on your phone. So if your friend wants to borrow your phone then you can quickly switch it to "friend mode". Before giving your phone to your child you can quickly switch it to the mode set for this purpose. A very convenient feature.
Hope you enjoyed the list!