Are you looking most trusted web hosting company? tired with fake web hosting company? don't like downtime everytime? Not getting proper customer support? Then try Waxspace. The right place for all kind of web hosting solutions. Waxspace web hosting offers secure, cheap and fast web hosting solutions. We offering first class web hosting plans like shared, reseller, vps, dedicated servers, ssl certificates, web malware removal services etc.
why you to choose us?Our first point is our customers privacy, support and satisfaction. With Waxspace web hosting you have privacy & support & quality services 100%, you can choose us and see if it is all truth that we are writing, many companies just writing that they best and they not worth nothing.
Our servers and hardware?Our servers are located in USA/Europe. All Datacenters are built with high quality devices and have professional personnel for the maintenance and extension of their network.
Our web hosting plans features include: Latest cPanel version
SSD Hard Disk
DDos Protection
DMCA ignored
24x7 Support via ticket
99.99% uptime
Unlimited Bandwidth
Instant Setup
Fast and reliable data storage
Free website migration
International Payment Method: PayPal, Paysafecard, Openbucks, Yandex Money, Bitcoin, CASHU, Alipay, MOLPay, OXXO, necard, BOLETO, QIWI,
If you have any questions or need a custom configuration or quote, please contact us directly!
sales@waxspace.comRegards Waxspace Web Hosting