Author Topic: Magento 2 checkout page optimization tool  (Read 726 times)

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Magento 2 checkout page optimization tool
« on: December 04, 2016, 08:32:55 AM »
Unlike Magento 1, the Magento 2 checkout process includes less steps than that of Magento 1 default with two sections called Shipping Address and Reviews & Payment.

Firstly, Shipping address requires customers to fill in information such as names, country, city and address. For logged in customers, their address will be automatically updated in these fields but if customers haven’t had an account with stores, they can enter their emails and complete similar information and they will be registered for a new account after checking out. In addition, buyers can edit their shipping address or add one more address.

Customers can select their wanted shipping methods and also view order summary with product name, image, quantity and price. However, they cannot edit their cart in the checkout page.

Secondly, Payment and Review section contain 3 elements: payment method, discount code and order review. Payment methods are shown for customers to select based on their addresses and if customers have a different billing address, they can also edit it in this section. A discount code box is available for buyers to enter a coupon code to get a discount for their purchase. In the order review, customers can overlook all information about their cart: name, image, price, quantity, subtotal, shipping address and shipping method.

Generally, Magento 2 default checkout method is more simple than that of Magento 1 but is still complicated and takes customers much time to finish buying. Therefore, we need a better solution to make the checkout step faster and more user-friendly with the help of One Step Checkout for Magento 2 extension.

By using Magento 2 One Step Checkout, you can support the following featured functions:

+ Display all elements for checking out in only 1 page so that customers can complete it easier without experiencing many steps
+ Auto detect customer places and autocomplete customer addresses by Google Suggest when they just type some letters

+ Auto update information when related ones change: update order review when shipping methods change, update shipping methods when shipping addresses change and update billing addresses when shipping addresses change
+ Allow customers to choose their dates and times to receive orders and also leave comments
+ Support multiple payment methods
+ Add more options to the checkout page such as discount code, gift message and newsletter subscription
+ Show delivery date and delivery comment information in the order details
=> Check it out for FREE Installation , FREE Support and Update!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 08:36:37 AM by Julie1980 »

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