Hello !
My name is Andrei , i'm from Romania and today i'll present to you a new forum torrent tracker ( a mini-project ) . We want to share premium files for our users which can be downloaded with a torrent client . I think so there all users knows what is a torrent client , if someone is asking "what is this torrent?" , torrent means a file downloaded from a peer (person) by a peer (person) , knowed as p2p (peer to peer) .
So , we search uploader which can help us uploading torrents ( 25-35 uploaders ) . A new thing , which will be added very soon , is the system of points and the shop . When you reach a number of points you'll can to buy some things from shop such as VIP , upgrade to moderator status etc.
If you want to join in our familly , just visit :
http://xtorrent.forumgratuit.ro/ and make an account .
We're posting everyday new torrents .