Author Topic: I don't know about you but I am sick of scams!!!  (Read 1875 times)

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I don't know about you but I am sick of scams!!!
« on: April 13, 2008, 04:40:28 PM »

The Grass Roots of Cash Gifting

Let me start by sharing one of my favorite quotes with you "The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose."  Bejar,Hada . 
Nearly all of us have been taught that sharing is a good thing and giving is better than receiving.  Throughout our lives most of us have experienced the divine power that a smile or a hug from someone you have assisted can make you feel. Many cultures utilize this behavior as a general practice in their lives.  Our cash gifting program is filled with that same kind of powerful emotions.  Cash Gifting is not a “business” and if you hear it expressed as a business then you are talking to someone with only their own personal gain in mind and I would recommend you turn and walk away. To be a business you would need to have someone directing you.  Since There is no president, board of director, stock holders or any big man at the top You are the big man controlling your own destiny by your willingness to help others. That is certainly not the foundation of any “business”. The premise of Cash Gifting is a simple one, if a group of people are willing to help others in an organized manner then everyone will benefit emotional and financially.

Without a doubt we are all looking for the opportunity to increase our income and stabilize our financial future but how incredible it is to be able to reach this goal while still helping others.  Cash gifting is a group of individuals who are “invited” to become a part of this network to assist and help each other.  A major element of this group is to reach out and find other individuals who themselves are willing to give to others while receiving themselves.  Cash Gifting is a great way to Pay It Forward.

Cash gifting is a significant way to earn money legally.  Giving gifts to others is completely legal and is embraced by many sectors throughout the United States and Canada as well as other countries.  Cash gifting to other individuals is no different that gifting to Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross or numerous other entities.  Our programs are just as legal and just as well received. The cash gifting programs of today are closely monitored and thousands of people, are benefiting and receiving; making real money online. The laws of attraction come fully into play when considering joining any cash gifting program.

When you become a participant you are beginning a natural law of progression.  You give and then you are ready to receive.  There is no hierarchy that you have to pass along a portion of your income to. There is no one at the top making all the money.  Your destiny is truly in your own hands.

Before joining a gifting program there are a few things that I find to be extremely necessary.

1.  You must find a group of gifters who are willing to support, network and share their ideas and goals.
And within that group--

2.  YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED A DEDICATED MENTOR to get you on the right track and show you the road to true happiness and success.

3.  Try to look for a program which is “turn-Key” and assists you with your setup and eliminates frustration or hassle for you.

4.  Be sure and check out how long the program has been in existence. This speaks volumes about the program and the participants within.

5.  Make sure you are allowed to have access to track and maintain your own gifts.

6.  Ask about the amount of support such as leads, auto responders, voice broadcasting and other available supports they may offer to get you off to a
quick start.   

Hopefully this information has placed a seed for thought In your mind and answered a few questions regarding exactly what cash gifting is all about.  Take a peek at the inside of a cash gifting program which is thriving and been together for over 9 years.

Our team has implemented an exciting new program which allows those who are not currently able to enroll in the $500.00 to $3500.00 programs the opportunity to enroll for only $100.00 plus hosting fee of $65.00.  Individuals invited to participate are given access to everything available to the larger gifting program which makes this very unique.  By joining at a lower level, these individuals will be able to leverage their initial investment into enough money to join the larger dollar amount programs while working side by side with experience cash gifters.  The program is exactly the same, the money is your own but you will learn how exciting cash gifting really is with little or no risk.  There is no time limits on when you increase but rest assured when you see the results you will be eager to become involved in the larger programs,  That is a guarantee.

Please feel free to watch our 4 minute video at
And visit our web site at

We are always excited to share our success with others. We can also be contacted by email or phone.
Always Remember that

“Happiest are the people who give most happiness to others."
  Diderot,Dennis                Philosopher (1713-1784)

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