Author Topic: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares  (Read 4797 times)

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me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:10:11 AM »


Something incredible has arrived!

I just became a shareholder in me2everyone and I never had to pay a single penny for the shares! It can only be described as the gold-rush for 2009. This company is going to be huge and shares will soar in value over the coming months! You can register for free and it never has to cost you a single penny!

me2everyone is going to be a cool new virtual world where you can meet friends, chat, shop, play, watch videos, create an art gallery, open a virtual newspaper, play the free inworld lottery and make money from your own online store! You and everyone you know make the decisions, shape the world, create real incomes and share in the profits. It’s a new place where you meet new people or invite your friends. Learn new skills or expand your business. Find the love of your life or help the planet.

Membership is free and every member automatically becomes a shareholder in me2everyone Limited. Personally I have 16,000 in the venture and I am going to increase my shares very soon. This is an excellent chance for all of us to make some real progress in 2009 and beyond! Please do not miss it.

If you are looking for something really good in 2009: something that changes your view on the world, then you really have to spend just one minute and look at this website.

1,000 Leads Daily - 3 Day Risk Free Trial

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 08:01:18 PM »

Recommending your friends, family, work colleaugues and even complete strangers is a great way to earn bonus shares.

At the moment we are giving you 3000 bonus shares for EVERYONE who you recommend using the link given above.
This is a real world value of GBP £3.00 today: but by 2012, we are forecasting these to be worth GBP £1740!

So imagine receiving GBP £1740 for every new member you find!

Plus EVERYONE you recommend today will receive 1000 shares for registering here for FREE. SImple...

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2009, 08:25:40 PM »

1. me2everyone membership is free. It's powered by the "Ripple Effect" and EVERY member becomes a shareholder.

2. me2everyone makes money from business customers who pay for adverts and sales brokering.

3. me2everyone will be a place where you can interact with friends, start a new business or find new ways to entertain you.

4. You receive thousands of bonus shares for everyone you introduce (for a limited time only)

5. Whoever recruits the most "real" people in pre-launch will be given a special share bonus: worth tens of thousands GBP(!) today.

It is live now! Join for FREE...

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2009, 08:26:03 PM »
Here are a few signups.. it's not hard to get signups when not only is M2E Free to signup but for a limited time

you get 1000 shares in the company when you signup.. and you get a free 3,000 shares for referring each person to M2E  account updated 6:59 PM 3KB  account updated 10:05 AM 3KB  account updated 9:19 AM 3KB  account updated

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2009, 04:21:30 PM »

Me2Everyone will  be a CyberWorld owned by the members. To become a member it is free. Did you ever wish you had invested in Yahoo, or Google when they first started up? Well I doubt Me2Everyone will ever become that large but even if it became 1/10000000 the size of Google, your free shares you get for signing up would make you very rich.

The Me2Everyone cyberworld will be modelled on a village, with a very engaging interface for the users. It will be similar to a game.

Perhaps a combination of a game and Myspace? They will generate revenue mostly through marketing and advertising, but I'm sure there will probably be other money making opportunities emerging once they launch.

On top of this, there will be insite (or invillage) business options to connect people from all over the world and make real money.

Other features will include but are not limited to:

- Meeting friends
- Chatting
- Shopping
- Paying Games
- Watching Videos
- Creating Art Galleries
- Reading Virtual Newspapers
- Play a free invillage library
- Making money from yourown online store

Every member gets 1000 shares to sign up, which means that you can't lose anything by signing up.

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2009, 09:31:12 PM »

Date :  30th January, 2009
me2everyone pre-launched 21 days ago... and now this website needs to enter into a new phase.

Next week the designers will begin to revamp the whole website. Expect to see:

O A brand new, highly informative front end
O A detailed FAQ
O A more interactive Contact Form
O Telephone Support (UK only for now)
O The launch of the Customer Care Network
O New languages
O An improved registration process
O An insight into how me2everyone (and you) will make money
O Improvements to your personal account home page
O me2everyone webmail beta - so you can talk to your introduced members
O me2everyone search beta - begin expanding your personal m2e network
O me2everyone profile beta - share with the me2everyone world
O me2everyone gallery beta - give us a reason to buy cloud server space :)
O Share certificate set-up and registration
O Customer Care portal
O me2everyone email server
O me2everyone job search

Now it's not all coming at once, but these changes will prepare for an easy transition to the me2everyone virtual world. Oh, can we dispel a myth here? me2everyone will begin life as a 2D place, evolving into a hybrid between 2D and 3D. It's being designed to work without downloads, and for speed (although broadband will be recommended). We are working with architectural designers for the inworld graphics and a regular web team for other programming. We are hiring all the time! This week alone we decided to get the "new" site translated into 24 languages: although we have had 260 members putting their names forward to translate the site into 38 languages. Croatia seems popular with 70 applications! :)

One key area where we are hiring is IT with 8 key posts soon to be filled. We are also starting the process of converting me2everyone Limited into a Public Limited Company (PLC). On this subject, when it's time to register your shares, you will be able to download them from your account. Every share certificate will have a unique bar-code to ensure more security and a lot less fraud.

We know we have failings and we are fixing them. But please remember, the website is 21 days old with more than 54,000 members in more countries than we can image. You have all stunned us. Now it's our turn! :)

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2009, 05:24:42 AM »
ALEXA RANKINGS Date :  28th January, 2009 (an Amazon company) keeps independent records of web traffic: where it comes from and where it goes to.
3 months ago, was the 23,000,000th most visited place on the Internet.

18 days ago (when we launchd) we were the 2,072,496th most popular place on the web. That excited us LOL.
Yesterday our ranking was 37,652

With 302,000 results on the Yahoo search, forum discussions (good and bad), me2everyone groups on Facebook and You-tube videos springing up here there and everywhere, we are truly humbled by your support.

With the error fixes coming, a dediciated programming team, an international customer care network, multiple language support and key elements of the new website being introduced over the next 3 weeks, me2everyone will be a busy place. Thanks - genuinely for your support.

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2009, 09:45:56 PM »

Date :  31st January, 2009
O In 9 days me2everyone will be one month old...

O Online membership will have grown from 60 people to more than 100,000...

O 300 people will have taken the Ripple Enhancement...

O 800 people are projected to be helping with language translations...

O We expect more than 7000 people will have pre-registered for the Customer Care Team...

WOW! Makes you wonder what will happen next...

Yesterday we told you about all the new improvements coming online soon - but there's more coming too. For instance, we intend to start testing the RIPPLE EFFECT. It's a piece of software that tracks everything that happens in me2everyone. Telling a friend, making a suggestion, upgrading, translating a page or becoming more actively involved: EVERYTHING creates a Ripple.


Well in 9 days time we are going to test the Ripple Effect on the 100,000th member. Whomever has the ID number "100,000" will create a "Ripple Event". Now like a stone falling into a pond Ripples in me2everyone travel in all directions. So the following benefits are coming:

O Member number 100,000 gets a bonus of 100,000 shares...
O Everyone connected to this member (along a long chain) gets a bonus of 20,000 shares each...
O The first 10 members that this member introduces get 10,000 bonus shares each...
O Members 99,990 to 100,010 get a 5,000 bonus...
O Members connected to them (along a chain) get 1,000 bonus shares each...

In the future Ripple Events will happen automatically. You will sign in one day and find bonus shares in your account. All you need to know is that somehow you were connected to a Ripple...

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2009, 03:34:09 PM »
For right now we can't buy any ripples using paypal but they are working on getting other payment options going, we can use moneybookers.

This is only for those not wanting or not able to recruit but if you  want to make a monthly cash flow then buying ripples

is the way to go..  I am so excited about this I'm gonna burst  :yoohoo:

you can also signup for free collect your 1000 shares and just sit on them or you can get a few referrals and get 3,000 more shares for every free signup

you get.. but the 1,000 for signing up and 3,000 per referral shares are only until M2E gets to 100,000 members then the number of shares they offer is going to drop it was at 2,500 for signup and 5,000 for referral so don't wait get yourself signed up so you get the most shares you can.. we are at 72,000 so signup today

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2009, 09:04:04 PM »

Everything we do creates a ripple...

...and in the me2everyone world, every ripple is a way for you to multiply your income almost exponentially. You see, whenever we smile, or speak to a stranger we create a ripple. When we share excitement, we create a ripple. Soon our ripples are multiplied and travel even faster. Every ripple we create can touch another person and give them a different view on life. And every ripple you create from now will change your life forever!

Across the planet me2everyone members are starting to create their own ripples of excitement. It seems that me2everyone has created a concept that no-one has ever heard about before. You are already part of this ripple effect and already set to profit from your shares. But, what if there was a way to tap into all of these ripples?

Passive Fortunes...

me2everyone is visionary, and today people from every corner of the world are talking about this incredible new place coming to the web in 2009. We have created this special, limited edition “Ripple Membership” for people like you. When you become a member, you create small ripples in the organisation. You help us and in return we will direct a monthly income and a small fortune into your life.


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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2009, 10:18:02 PM »
I just joined me2everyone, got many invitation in the past and its looking good.
Since its free there is nothing to loose, so i am going to give it a try. The Passive way :P

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2009, 08:29:54 AM »
Welcome stros we should do well.. I can't wait till they release web 2.0 and we can really see what it will look like

in the mean time signup while they are still offerring 1000 shares once they are at 100,000 members the share signup bonus will drop drastically

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 02:06:21 AM »

Date :  30th January, 2009
me2everyone pre-launched 21 days ago... and now this website needs to enter into a new phase.

Next week the designers will begin to revamp the whole website. Expect to see:

O A brand new, highly informative front end
O A detailed FAQ
O A more interactive Contact Form
O Telephone Support (UK only for now)
O The launch of the Customer Care Network
O New languages
O An improved registration process
O An insight into how me2everyone (and you) will make money
O Improvements to your personal account home page
O me2everyone webmail beta - so you can talk to your introduced members
O me2everyone search beta - begin expanding your personal m2e network
O me2everyone profile beta - share with the me2everyone world
O me2everyone gallery beta - give us a reason to buy cloud server space :)
O Share certificate set-up and registration
O Customer Care portal
O me2everyone email server
O me2everyone job search

Now it's not all coming at once, but these changes will prepare for an easy transition to the me2everyone virtual world. Oh, can we dispel a myth here? me2everyone will begin life as a 2D place, evolving into a hybrid between 2D and 3D. It's being designed to work without downloads, and for speed (although broadband will be recommended). We are working with architectural designers for the inworld graphics and a regular web team for other programming. We are hiring all the time! This week alone we decided to get the "new" site translated into 24 languages: although we have had 260 members putting their names forward to translate the site into 38 languages. Croatia seems popular with 70 applications! :)

One key area where we are hiring is IT with 8 key posts soon to be filled. We are also starting the process of converting me2everyone Limited into a Public Limited Company (PLC). On this subject, when it's time to register your shares, you will be able to download them from your account. Every share certificate will have a unique bar-code to ensure more security and a lot less fraud.

We know we have failings and we are fixing them. But please remember, the website is 21 days old with more than 54,000 members in more countries than we can image. You have all stunned us. Now it's our turn! :)

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Re: me2everyone , Join Free and Get 1000 shares
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2009, 01:25:58 PM »


Date :  10th February, 2009
Yesterday we very quietly launched the GLOBAL EXEC.

Global Exec is a new and exciting way to create lasting personal benefit in me2everyone. With an attractive income and a chance to create huge sections of the m2e world, Global Execs are those members whose life and business experiences set them apart. The Global Exec members will challenge our directors and provide clarity of thought with a fresh and supportive mind. The Global Exec will be a sounding board for new ideas, providing an insight into local culture and sharing lessons from their business and life experiences.

We have 300 freelance memberships of this Global Exec available. Membership is free and you become part of our Management Team. You may upgrade this membership later and actively manage and train people in the Customer Care network. This will be done under an appropriate business licence.

Global Exec is the first step towards the Customer Care Network and effectively boosts our current support system. For more detailed information and the application form, please click on the LOG-OUT button above or directly visit

We will be reviewing applications every day and the cut-off day is February 27th 2009. Thanks

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