Hi Just a quick note to my ubiee participants!
I my self am very please with the results of Ubiee so far
I'm sure if you take a better look at it you will get a greater understanding of what you have in front of you . since i have been a member i have seen them increase the # of domains they have daily. That means as more domains are added the cost for the super splash page goes up . right now its 177 a month
There are currently 359 domais at 50 cents per domain for the super splash at a cost of 179 euros a month ,or just a mere euro a link for any rotator in any of the domains after the admin fee of just 2 euros . who cant afford that.!! less then 5 bucks a month to be added to the rotator with one link .
Everyone who has some thing to promote NEEDS traffic PERIOD ! This will bring you that traffic . and if you ARE worried about 5 bucks just promote ubiee free its not hard at all find a few willing signups and it pays for its self, as YOU earn 100 percent of the links added and 64% Paid to you for the super splash
you own it to your self to have a look at this and give it a go.
http://officialubiee.com/tag/moneyloopsto your success and best regaurds
Jeff Mcdermid
my offer to add one of your links to the rotator is still available . just pay the admin fee of 2 euros ad your link skip payment option for the link and ill verify it for you free for one month nothing to lose and traffic to gain
those who have already upgraded i hope you are satisfied with how things are going and myself and UBIEE thank you for your business