It started with a vision. NOW, 6 years and $8,000,000 later... It's Here!
Welcome To "The Web Your Way"!
Now ANYONE with an internet connection can earn a substantial income from home with no investment and no selling! concept is simple...
Download "The Web Your Way" toolbar. Ads are displayed on the left hand side of your screen. Click on the ads and view for 5 seconds and earn. Get paid on everyone in your downline 7 levels deep!
ALSO earn from your free webmail account with video capabilities called Bmail. When members send you messages utilizing this service, an ad is displayed at the bottom, where again you click to earn on. Send a message to someone in your downline and you both earn!
US Members can start earning immediately!
International members...get registered, download the toolbar, and set up your Bmail account now! Global Launch Coming Soon...
I don't have to tell you that this thing is going to spread like wildfire!
Get in and tell everybody you know, BEFORE they come to you! Your Success,
PS...We've ran the numbers, and the earning potential with this thing will blow you away!
My first payment via paypal: