I have just created a free classified ads site for the Melbourne Victoria area, it is not just open to Australian residence but I encourage people who have something to sell or to promote in Australia to advertise on my site.
It is free to place an ad and to place one picture, and I have only a modest charge for Extras like feature ad or highlighted and better placement, the charge is mainly to cover running costs.
The site is open to business web sites to promote there businesses as well as post links
To there sites, and includes the general public who have something to sell or if you would like to buy, if you are a charity or not for profit organization feel free to contact me at
And I will see if I can help you post more pictures and better placement for free.
If you have any suggestions or have any new categories to ad to the list that you think would be useful or help promote what you have to sell by all means let me know,
I would be glad to help.