Do you search new ideas for business? Take a look at these legitimate work from home opportunities:
Publish a free e-mail newsletter and charge a one time fee for the e-zine archives. In order for people to pay for the archives your content will have to be 100% original.
Publish a free e-mail newsletter that has original content and promotes only affiliate products. You could charge people a subscription fee to reprint each issue and use it as their own e-zine. They would just have to change the titles, contact info and affiliate link codes.
You can publish a free e-mail newsletter and charge a subscription fee to people who like to chat with other subscribers. It could be a message board, chat room, e-mail discussion list, etc.
Offer a free e-mail newsletter and charge them per article. You would simply give them a taste of each piece of content in your e-zine and charge them if they want to read the full version of the article.
Give away a free e-mail newsletter to then charge for a subscription for a print edition. You just have more or original information in the print edition.