Author Topic: Twitter auto-posting software  (Read 1124 times)

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Twitter auto-posting software
« on: January 04, 2010, 05:47:53 PM »
 Just like to take a second and tell you about a twitter API I was choosen to test.There we're less than 40 people in the world to test this new tool.In a nut shell,You can load unlimited amount of twitter accounts into it,and unlimited messages into it, and it auto-posts, on all twitter, accounts pre-selected message updates.You have complete control of what twitter accounts get what messages, and how often each twitter account posts those messages. You can select twitter account "1" to post a different mesage every minute 24 hours a day while twitter account "2" post a completely different set of messages every 15 minutes,24 hours a day, while twitter account "3",only posts another set of messages once every hour only on tuesday.All while your gone, not even logged into twitter!!
I got over 5000 hits to my affiliate websites in the last 30 days without even being logged into my twitter!!
Thats my testimonial to you.This is the best set and go software on the planet! Best of all, Be the first ones on twitter to get this since I am one of the secret testers, and it just became availible for promoting yesterday,so you can get in on the affiliate program before anyone else.

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